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The role of the World Academy Facilitator is a major component of the World Academy for the Future of Women operational design. To date, more than 156 women and men has applied, trained, prepared, and delivered the World Academy curriculum since its’ inception in 2009. Some have served as facilitators numerous times, have gone to all three of the World Academy sites, and have maintained strong, meaningful relationships with the World Academy members who were in their modules. The Facilitator model was the initial delivery system implemented for developing young college women as leaders and has been a profound component of the World Academy program.
Ideal applicants for becoming a World Academy Facilitator those who are committed to accelerating women’s leadership; who are flexible and resilient; who honor diversity and cultural norms; who abide by the World Academy Oath and Operating Principles; and who fully embrace the opportunities, ambiguities, and possibilities they encounter during their assignment as a Facilitator.
Facilitators travel to the site at their personal expense. All expenses on-site related to the facilitation, including local travel, lodging, and meals are assumed by the hosting university/organization. Facilitators serve as a contribution to accelerating women’s leadership worldwide and receive no compensation for their generous and extraordinary service. Facilitators often seek funding from their employers, friends, networks, Go Fund Me, or create other means of creating this opportunity to serve and to enrich their own personal and professional growth.
The World Academy curriculum is delivered in eight modules over two semesters. Each module is four weeks and has an outcome for each week. The responsibility of the World Academy Facilitator is to deliver a four-week module of the curriculum on site to the World Academy members. Each week the World Academy Facilitator provides two-hour seminars for content, ninety-minute labs to prepare members to take the content to action in their lives as a habitual skill/behavior, and coaching sessions to clarify and increase the effectiveness of the skills they have learned and are using. In addition, the World Academy Facilitator delivers a ninety-minute Open Forum each week, available to any university student, on a topic related to the module they are teaching, to a world issue, or an issue that is pertinent to leadership growth and development.
Persons interested in becoming a World Academy Facilitator can apply by submitting the World Academy Facilitator Application available at the end of this description. Upon approval you will discuss the program in detail with a Global Interactions staff member. Upon approval, a 2 ½ day training program, Facilitator Introduction and Preparation, will be scheduled to introduce the foundational elements of the curriculum, the Oath, Operating Principles, the cultural aspects of each World Academy site, and the expectations for a successful facilitation. The Introduction and Preparation also includes an overview of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which are the source for members choosing or creating a project that each World Academy member must engage in during their year(s) in the program. The current projects are introduced to encourage alignment of the curriculum modules to the leadership skills that are important to having members achieve the outcomes they are seeking in their WAFW projects. Facilitators are encouraged to join members’ projects and participate/observe/coach these action leadership activities as part of their assignment. At the end of the Introduction and Preparation the prepared facilitators select their World Academy destination and module and are ready for assignment. Facilitator applicants most often choose the modules that align with their expertise, passion, and skill sets and successfully infused them into the World Academy curriculum materials.
Logistics and support is provided to the Facilitator, including travel decisions, acquiring a visa to enter their destination country, and understanding and adapting the power points for the seminars. Other Facilitators are available to discuss the site, curriculum, and other inquiries. There will be continued contact, guidance and hand-over from the current Facilitator as the new Facilitator transitions into the Facilitator role.
We promise an experience far beyond your expectations and a life changing contribution to those you serve.