HIV / AIDS Awareness


The purpose of this project is to promote understanding about HIV/AIDS and eliminate the spread of the disease and the discrimination of people who have had, or whose family members have had, HIV/AIDS.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-Being – Prevention is the most effective way to address a potential problem.  Making information about this disease known to the public regarding people who had had, or whose families have had HIV/AID, can eliminate unfair treatment and prejudice against them.  Educating the public, especially college age males, about how the disease is transmitted is critical.  The highest risk population for getting HIV/AIDS is males between the ages of 13-25.  Henan Province has drastically reduced the spread of HIV/AIDS.  Education continues to be necessary to end discrimination and to avoid future infections.

Project Actions

The HIV/AIDS team is committed to spreading knowledge about HIV by giving speeches and having discussions about the causes and the myths about this disease.  Because of the COVID Pandemic new activities were introduced to popularize the knowledge of HIV on campus.  In presentations participants who correctly answered questions were rewarded for their participation. The wildfire game demonstrated the rapid spreading of HIV so students would know the large scale and high-speed dangers of contamination.  Also, manuscripts and data on HIV was made available to inform college students how to eliminate discrimination toward people or families with AIDS. When more people understand, their beliefs and behaviors can change.   University students are a crucial target to receive this information in order to reduce the spread.  The Project Team Members also goes to villages where orphans of HIV/AIDS parents live and are frequently excluded from outside experiences.  Their education is often of less quality and confined to their geographic area.  Team members assist them with their studies and in learning English.  These children are also invited to attend the Children’s Day activities on Sias campus each June to meet and engage with children outside their villages.  It provides an experience on a university campus and encourages them to think about studying hard in order to continue their education  This encourages acceptance and builds courage and confidence among the HIV/AIDS orphans and the community.

Total activities from Sept. 2020 to Apr. 2021