Become a World Academy Site

To become a World Academy site, it is necessary to enter a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Global Interactions, Inc., a United States non-profit organization, the legal entity under which World Academy operates.

The process is flexible. A university/organization/business that would like to host a World Academy may

  1. Contact the World Academy by submitting an Inquiry for Hosting a World Academy for the Future of Women found on this site indicating their interest in pursuing an on-site Academy and demonstrate that they have a sufficient number of students, members, employees, who would apply and, if selected, would participate in a year-long program requiring a minimum of 8-10 hours per week of engagement.
  2. Convene conversations between administrative members of the intended host with Global Interactions/ World Academy Board members and staff to determine the mutual alignment and intent to pursue the possibility.
  3. Invite Global Interactions to make an on-line presentation with the applicant and their staff to discuss the MOU, the World Academy program and other inquiries to determine the feasibility of continuing to pursue and on-site visit.
  4. Schedule an on-site visit by Global Interactions administration to determine suitability and partnership capacity and further familiarize the applicate with the program. Global Interactions will be responsible for the travel costs to the site; the site will host (lodging and meals, the Global Interactions representatives for 3-6 days. The housing provided should be, or be representative of, housing that will be provided for the facilitators who will come to deliver the curriculum.
  5. Arrange a visit by members of the proposed institution to visit an active World Academy site to see the program in operation and meet with the Administration and Members, observe the program in action (both curriculum and projects) as part of their preparation to fully understand the operations of the program and the hosting requirements.
  6. Develop the MOU including two basic elements
    1. Global Interactions will provide the curriculum and facilitators to deliver a year-long World Academy program of eight (8) four (4)-week modules,
    2. the host site will provide office and classroom space, and provide lodging and food for the eight facilitators who each come for a five (5)-week period to deliver a module of the curriculum. Other aspects of the MOU will be determined based on the expectations and outcomes desired.
  7. Establish the calendar of operations including the start/finish and non-available dates, such as holidays and semester breaks.

Following the signing of the MOU both signees begin the process of operationalizing the World Academy at the site, identifying the first year’s facilitators and travel schedule, and recruiting students to apply, interview and be accepted as members.